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​unleash your capacities … and draw on our comprehensive legal knowledge to master your transactions and projects


at justthis, we recognise that you benefit most if we lift as much weight off your shoulders as possible. With each task entrusted to us, your capacities expand



make complex simple … and enjoy our clear recommendations for action, efficient implementation and availability


at justthis, we translate legal details into options for action always combined with a clear-cut recommendation based on our experience as lawyers and entrepreneurs. Your mind made up, we implement quickly. Throughout, we make ourselves available so time is made use of in the best of ways



be on top of things ... and benefit at all times from our succinct briefings


while we love talking to you, we would hate to waste your time. With this in mind, we constantly keep you in the picture of what is going on and, very importantly, we will call for your attention whenever is required

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